Phobos Ex Machina book is available
Phobos ex machina is a book about manipulation, understood as the use of specific circumstances, selective selection and the transformation of facts in order to influence other people’s views and behaviour. However, our goal was not to achieve a specific result or change the opinions of the viewer. Nor was it to explain the phenomenon or present examples, witnesses or victims of manipulation. The aim of the Phobos ex machina book was to make the viewer experience being manipulated himself.
In classical Greek mythology, Phobos is the god and personification of fear. The term Deus ex machina comes from Greek tragedy, where a special machine brought actors who played gods onto the stage. God appeared by surprise and changed the course of events. The phraseological meaning of Deus ex machina refers to sudden changes in a situation, which cannot be logically explained in terms of the development of events. Phobos ex machina refers to instilled fear that changes our views and influences our actions.
Published by: Publishing Unit, The Polish National Film,Television and Theatre School in Lodz
Book was designed by: Bartłomiej Talaga, 19 Rivers
Texts were written by: Anna Maria Zarychta, Leszek Jażdżewski and authors
English translation by: Jolanta Axworthy